32 items found for ""
- Xiyu PAN | 弁理士法人白坂
Technical staff, Translator Xiyu PAN Career 2021~2023 Graduated from Creative Science and Engineering Department. Waseda University, Intellectual Property Management. 2023~ SHIRASAKA Patent Attorney Corporation Major duties Patent Research/ Preparation of documents for patent applications /Translation Main technical fields in charge Software etc. Other qualifications TOEIC score 845 Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1
- Yukiko KAMIJO | 弁理士法人白坂
Patent attorney Yukiko KAMIJYOU Career Professor of Nagasaki University, FFG Entrepreneurship Center
- Asako MATSUYA | 弁理士法人白坂
Technical staff Asako MATSUYA Career 1992 Admitted to Hokkaido University, Science I 2001 Completed Hokkaido University Graduate School of Science Doctoral course, Doctor of Science degree 2001.6~2003.5 Doctoral Researcher, Acoustic and thermal physics laboratory, University of Leuven, Belgium 2003.6~2006.3 Doctoral Researcher, Molecular Photoscience Research Center, Department of Chemistry, Kobe University 2006.4~2009.5 Researcher, Material Design Factory 2009.6~2009.10 Morimoto International Patent Office 2009.11~2015.5 TANI & ABE, p.c 2019 Joined SHIRASAKA & PATENTPARTNER Major duties Major technical fields
- Meiki RAI | 弁理士法人白坂
Technical staff, Translato Meiki RAI Career 1993 Graduated from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 1995~2001 Worked at Acer Incorporated in Taiwan 2001~2007 Worked at IP Firm in Taiwan 2008~2012 Worked at IP Firm in Osaka 2012~2016 Worked at Mechanical enterprise in Osaka 2016~2018 Worked at IP Firm in Osaka 2019~ Working for SHIRASAKA & PATENTPARTNERS Major duties Translator (English and Chinese)
- Taku HONDO | 弁理士法人白坂
Technical staff Taku HONDO Career 2000 Graduated from College of Engineering Systems, Third Cluster of Colleges, University of Tsukuba 2003 Dropped out of Department of Intelligent Interaction Technologies, University of Tsukuba 2003 Joined Nakajima & Matsumura International Patent Office (New Nakajima & Associates IP Firm) 2014 Joined SHIRASAKA & PATENTPARTNERS Main duties Major technical fields
- ABOUT US | 弁理士法人白坂
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- ラジオ | 弁理士法人白坂
中央FMラジオ 【テックニキ白坂一のイノベーションの種はココにある!】 この番組は“あなたのアイディアがお宝になるかもしれない” 「知的財産」をキーワードにもっと日本を元気な起業大国にしていきたいを メッセージにお届けする番組です。 毎週様々な分野の最前線で活躍するキーマンをスタジオにお招きして マニアックに語っていただくトーク番組です。 84.0MHz RadioCity 中央エフエム 毎月第1金曜日 20:00-20:30 アーカイブは公式YouTubeチャンネルにて配信中! 公式YouTubeチャンネル All Posts No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.