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- 07 | 弁理士法人白坂
patent attorney Hiroki Goto Hiroki Goshima Career March 2014 Graduated from Yamate Gakuin High School After undergoing medical treatment for hyperacusis due to pervasive developmental disorder September 2019 Graduated from the Open University of Japan Faculty of Liberal Arts Nature and Environment Course From October 2021 Shirasaka Patent Firm
- Yoshitaka SUZUKI | 弁理士法人白坂
Technical staff, Translato Yoshitaka SUZUKI Career 1995 Graduated from Aichi Prefectural Chigusa High School 2003 Graduated from English Dept., Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Language 2005~2006 Worked at IP Firm in Tokyo 2007~2017 Worked at IP Firm in Gifu 2017 SHIRASAKA & PATENTPARTNERS Major duties Foreign patents/Prosecution/Translation/Interpretation Major technical fields Software/Mechanics/Optics/Medical equipment/Imaging equipment/Optical equipment Other qualifications 1st grade Certified Specialist of Intellectual Property Management(patent) TOEIC Score 910 Administrative Scrivener Fundamental Information Technology Engineer (formerly known as Information Technology Engineer Class II)
- ABOUT US | 弁理士法人白坂
ABOUT US Our predecessor, SHIRASAKA International Patent Office, was founded in April 2011. The office was incorporated as SHIRASAKA & PATENTPARTNERS in December 2017. We have since been providing a full range of intellectual property legal services in Japan and abroad. In December 2022, we will change our name to SHIRASAKA Patent Attorney Corporation, and under the business mission of “driving businesses success with patents that protect originality,” we are striving to realize intellectual property management that is closer to our clients, which we believe is the essence of our work as patent attorneys. SHIRASAKA Patent Attorney Corporation Founder Hajime SHIRASAKA “Trust” and “Contribution” We at SHISARASAKA Patent Attorney Corporation have earned the trust of our clients and are contributing to the development of the Japanese economy and the international community. We have the expertise and working knowledge to contribute to our client’s business by providing high-quality services and earning their trust. Acquire and utilize the right to “fight” and protect our client’s business Intellectual property rights (patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights) are sole and exclusive rights. Accordingly, intellectual property rights serve as an one shot attacking our client’s competitors and a shield out client’s business against competitors. Using our experience and knowledge, we can maximize your business strategy by creating IP tactics and strategies, and expedited high-quality services that strengthen your company’s position in the global market. We take pleasure in acquiring rights! We contribute to the development of Japanese industry by protecting inventors and their inventions with intellectual property rights and hence promoting activity in the industry. SHISARASAKA Patent Attorney Corporation strives to be a dependable, exclusive partner to our clients. We continuously strive to improve and diligently learn about law, technology and management strategies. Practice Area gyomu01 Consultation on intellectual property rights Consultation on inventions, devices, designs, trademarks, copyrights (especially software) Consultation on inventions, discovery of devices, and invention creation conference Availability searches on inventions, devices, designs, and trademarks prior to patent filing Searches and consultation on IP landscape in our and your companies IP training & education for engineers and intellectual property personnel gyomu_02 Acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights Application with patent office and support for acquisition of foreign application Intermediate processing of application, appeal against examiner’s decision of rejection of the application, and suit against trial decision Pension management for maintenance of rights gyomu03 Protection and utilization of intellectual property Appraisal of patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, and trademark rights Consultation on the utilization of patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, and trademark rights upport for patent rights, utility model rights, design rights and trademark rights
- HOME | 弁理士法人白坂
Driving businesses success with patents that protect originality With our mission “Driving businesses success with patents that protect originality ” we commit ourselves to providing the highest quality legal services tailored to each of our clients. Our patent attorneys provide customized solutions by taking into consideration each client’s interests and concerns at all times. Our clients include domestic and international start-up ventures and tech companies.We provide a one-stop service in all areas of IP with in-depth consideration of clients’ needs.
- Asako MATSUYA | 弁理士法人白坂
Technical staff Asako MATSUYA Career 1992 Admitted to Hokkaido University, Science I 2001 Completed Hokkaido University Graduate School of Science Doctoral course, Doctor of Science degree 2001.6~2003.5 Doctoral Researcher, Acoustic and thermal physics laboratory, University of Leuven, Belgium 2003.6~2006.3 Doctoral Researcher, Molecular Photoscience Research Center, Department of Chemistry, Kobe University 2006.4~2009.5 Researcher, Material Design Factory 2009.6~2009.10 Morimoto International Patent Office 2009.11~2015.5 TANI & ABE, p.c 2019 Joined SHIRASAKA & PATENTPARTNER Major duties Major technical fields
- Xiyu PAN | 弁理士法人白坂
Technical staff, Translator Xiyu PAN Career 2021~2023 Graduated from Creative Science and Engineering Department. Waseda University, Intellectual Property Management. 2023~ SHIRASAKA Patent Attorney Corporation Major duties Patent Research/ Preparation of documents for patent applications /Translation Main technical fields in charge Software etc. Other qualifications TOEIC score 845 Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1
- Kei Tsuda | 弁理士法人白坂
Attorney Kei TSUDA Career 1991 Graduated from Divisions of Japanese Studies, School of Letters, Osaka University 2008 Completed a major in intellectual property at Graduate School of Intellectual Property, Osaka Institute of Technology 2018 Department II of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science 1991~2012 Employed at companies 2012~2019 Employed at patent law offices 2019~ SHIRASAKA & PATENT PARTNERS, Osaka Major duties Domestic Patents / Foreign Patents / Trademarks / Translations Major technical fields Electricity / Electronics / Machinery / Software About Patent Attorneys Association 2018~ International Activities Center, Japan Patent Attorneys Association Other qualifications Supplementary Note of Specific Infringement Lawsuit Counsel
- CONTACT | 弁理士法人白坂
Contact / Access CONTACT/ACCESS Tokyo office Address:Otemachi Bldg. 4F, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004 Access:10 minute walk from JR Tokyo Station TEL:03-6206-3251 FAX:050-3156-2786 Mail:admin@shirasakapat.com Inquiry Form Name Email Message send Thank you for sending Nagoya Office Address:21F JP Tower Nagoya, 1-1-1 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 450-6321 Access:5 minute walk from JR Nagoya Station TEL:052-856-3442 FAX:050-3156-2786 Mail:admin@shirasakapat.com 東京事務所 名古屋事務所
- Takara KUMAZAWA | 弁理士法人白坂
Attorney Takayoshi KUMAZAWA Career 2000 Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University, Department of Electrical Engineering 2002-2016 Worked at a patent office in Tokyo 2018~ Joined Shirasaka Patent Firm Main duties Domestic patent Main technical fields in charge Electrical/Electronic/Software etc.
- Yukiko KAMIJO | 弁理士法人白坂
Patent attorney Yukiko KAMIJYOU Career Professor of Nagasaki University, FFG Entrepreneurship Center
- Yoko GOTO | 弁理士法人白坂
Technical staff Youko GOTO Career 1996 Graduated from Kumamoto High School 2001 Graduated from department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering, Kyushu University 2003 Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University 2003~2005 Information technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2005~2007 SUGIMURA & Partners 2014~ SHIRASAKA & PATENTPARTNERS Main duties Domestic patents/Foreign patents/Patent search Main technical fields in charge Software/Electric equipment/Electronics/Mechanics/Optics/Network systems